Thursday, October 24, 2013

Proper Attic Insulation in Tacoma, WA Can Help Locals Save on Energy Costs

The laws of physics dictate that warm air rises, and true enough, warm air from heaters and furnaces tends to drift upwards. If a home has little to no insulation, then the heat is sure to escape through the roof. Faulty insulation can, thus, compromise heating systems by forcing heating appliances to work even harder to maintain temperatures and thereby succumb to wear and tear much faster. Insulating an attic properly to prevent heat loss is a lot harder than it looks, however, as not a single inch of the space should go uncovered. Additionally, folks will need to install insulating material with the right R-value (heat resistance value) to complement their home. It's a good thing, then, that homeowners can count on reputable contractors like Patriot Roofing to install the right kind of insulation for Tacoma homes.

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