Sunday, September 22, 2013

Interesting Facts about Gig Harbor Roofing and Other Roofing Contractors According To The Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) website, with their reports of industries receiving most complaints and inquiries from consumers, offers a list of reputable contractors that address their specific needs. In their first quarter report for 2013, BBB analyzed statistics from three different states, namely Alaska, Oregon, and Western Washington, which showed interesting facts. In Alaska, roofing contractors were placed at number 8 for the most inquired industry and number 9 on the top complaints list. Whereas in Oregon, they ranked 3rd on the most inquired and didn't land in the top 10 industries that received the most complaints. From the three, Western Washington showed the most surprising results. The report showed that roofing contractors landed at number 6 for the most inquired and didn't appear anywhere in the top 20 list of complaints. This is evidence that Gig Harbor roofing, and other roofing contractors are satisfying their customers with the various services they offer.

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