Saturday, September 28, 2013

Gig Harbor Roofing Tips: What to Do with the Black Streaks on Your Roof

It's definitely better to get rid of roof algae sooner rather than later. To clean a roof occupied by algae, the first thing to do is to read the warranty documents that came with your shingles. These documents usually contain manufacturer recommendations on how to clean their products. If you've misplaced these papers, you can look up the information on the manufacturer's website. Although unleashing the force of a pressure washer on your roof might seem like the easy way out, Gig harbor roofing experts actually warn against it because this can damage the shingles while still doing a poor job of removing algae. That's why you'll often see cleaning professionals use a low-pressure application of bleach and water, which kills the algae and restores the shingles.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Renovation Tips: Investing in Gig Harbor Roofing for Better Resale Value

Roofing, no matter how frugal you try to be, would always be a costly investment because the materials alone could get expensive and doing things yourself is a bit risky, especially when you're not a pro. One thing that you could focus on – instead of cutting down on costs – is to invest more in a roofing system that would last longer than a roofing system that would need constant repair and maintenance. Whether you're replacing an old roof or having a new house built, it is a fact that the roofing would play a big role in the completion of your home. Since the weather in Washington varies depending on the area you live in, you should have a strong and sturdy roofing that could last for decades. To ensure that you end up with quality roofing, see to it that you only work with trusted Gig Harbor roofing contractors.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tacoma, WA Roofing Considerations: Choosing the Right Type of Roof Vent

So many articles have been written about roof vents and how Tacoma, WA roofing professionals should install them that it's easy to become confused and lose sight of what you need it for in the first place. In a nutshell, roof vents are meant to expel excess heat and moisture. If you're experiencing excessive energy losses, mold, rot, and ice dams, you may have the wrong type installed or your old one could be defective. An article from provides information on the different types of roof vents for you to choose from.

Your Four Choices for Attic Insulation in Tacoma, WA

Attic insulation is a way to protect your home interior from extreme temperatures, both hot and cold. As a result, proper attic insulation provides a home with the two-fold benefit of saving energy and reducing its heating and cooling costs. Below, you'll find four highly effective attic insulating methods, as suggested by, but you'll have to talk to a Tacoma, WA insulation specialist from leading companies like Patriot Roofing to discuss which one is applicable for your home.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ideas on Shingle Color Options to Discuss with Your Tacoma Roofers

Choosing shingles as your roofing material opens you up to a plethora of design and style options that other roofing systems rarely offer, especially if you use architectural shingles that can be custom-made to imitate the appearance of wood shakes, tiles, or even slate roofing. This wide range of options also include a variety of colors to choose from. Did you know that your choice of color can significantly affect your roof's energy-efficiency as much as its aesthetic value? The statement above hinges on the fact that darker-colored shingles tend to be more heat-absorbent, while lighter colors tend to reflect heat and sunlight away from the roofing surface. Thus, you can say that the Mediterranean Oceanic climate of the City of Tacoma in Washington should be one of the main factors to influence your choice of shingle color. Ask dependable Tacoma roofers from leading companies, such as Patriot Roofing, for their catalog of shingle choices, and take time to research or inquire about

Monday, September 23, 2013

Should You Have Roofing Contractors from Tacoma, WA Install Attic Insulation?

Did you know that one third of the amount you pay for your energy bills probably leaks through inconspicuous holes in your house? These so-called “air leaks” can eat through your monthly budget and even trigger moisture and indoor quality problems. For instance, small air leaks in uninsulated attic spaces can become major sources of heat loss, and residential HVAC systems would have to work harder (and consume more energy). If you don't do something to properly insulate your home and keep out the drafts, the electric bill of your house in Washington's City of Destiny could skyrocket in the middle of summer and winter. Hence, if you still haven't done it yet, you ought to call on trusted roofing contractors in Tacoma, WA to install sufficient attic insulation in your home.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Interesting Facts about Gig Harbor Roofing and Other Roofing Contractors According To The Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) website, with their reports of industries receiving most complaints and inquiries from consumers, offers a list of reputable contractors that address their specific needs. In their first quarter report for 2013, BBB analyzed statistics from three different states, namely Alaska, Oregon, and Western Washington, which showed interesting facts. In Alaska, roofing contractors were placed at number 8 for the most inquired industry and number 9 on the top complaints list. Whereas in Oregon, they ranked 3rd on the most inquired and didn't land in the top 10 industries that received the most complaints. From the three, Western Washington showed the most surprising results. The report showed that roofing contractors landed at number 6 for the most inquired and didn't appear anywhere in the top 20 list of complaints. This is evidence that Gig Harbor roofing, and other roofing contractors are satisfying their customers with the various services they offer.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nail Guns: Convenient but Dangerous for People Engaged in Roofing in Gig Harbor

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the US Department of Labor and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 37,000 people engaged in the installation of roofing in Gig Harbor and other construction jobs around Washington receives treatment for various injuries caused by nail guns. Safety advocates worry that accidents linked to the use of these tools show no significant decrease in the figures. Because they are a breeze to operate, therefore making the work easier for contractors, nail guns are considered essential tools in any construction job. This is especially true with big projects that require to be completed in a given time frame. However, with the danger of its use in mind, OSHA reiterated that people should be more responsible in handling nail guns. Use a single-shot sequential nail trigger rather than the multi-shot one that was identified to cause injuries twice as high. OSHA also reinforced to always use safety gears

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Importance of Finding Reputable Contractors for Roofing in Tacoma

Virginia Franco paid a roofing company $13,000 to fix the damage on her roof. However, the Charlotte, NC resident fell victim to a scam when the company took her money but never did any work. Fortunately for Franco, another contractor heard about her situation and offered to install a new roof for free. While her story had a happy ending, not everyone can be as lucky, bringing to light the importance of finding reputable contractors when it comes to big investments such as home improvements. This is something that homeowners looking services that include roofing in Tacoma should be wary about. The stress that the Washington climate brings, which is characterized by prevailing winds and wet and dry seasons, can cause significant damage to a roof. Having a reputable contractor to perform maintenance, repair and installation will not only give a home better protection, but will also ensure that homeowners are getting quality work for their money.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why Insulation in Tacoma is a Necessity

California's local government has launched a new energy-efficiency program called the Lodi Efficiency and Renewable Energy Pilot Program, which involves audits of residences to come up with ways to improve a home's energy efficiency. One of the proposed measures is attic insulation, something that is considered a necessity to residents of Tacoma, Washington. The city's average temperatures during summer months is at 25 degrees Celsius, while winter months experience as low as 15 degrees below 0 along with several inches of snow. The heavy strain on the roof brought by the cold weather and melting snow could cause leaks and drafts, which lead to mold and mildew. Calling in experts at insulation in Tacoma to assess the fixture can not only make for a more energy-efficient home, but also protect it from further damage.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Let Tacoma Roofers get your Roof Back to its Former Glory After a Storm

A massive storm that hit Virginia and the Washington metropolitan last June 13 left the said cities outed of power supply and houses and infrastructures damaged. Trees knocked out onto houses by strong winds, and thunders led to the brief closure of bridges and mass transit systems. After a storm, fallen trees, missing shingles, cracked windows, and dented home sidings are a common scenario. Though a quality roofing system brings peace of mind that the roof can withstand any weather, the time will come that it will start to wear and tear. Repairing the damage acquired by your home might be easy if you're a knowledgeable roofer. Otherwise, repairing your own roof is not advisable. Without proper gears, you might get into an accident. And without proper knowledge, you might worsen the situation rather than solve it. When it comes to major roof repair, it's wise to call your Tacoma roofers for an efficient storm damage repair.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Warning From Your Roofing Contractors in Tacoma, WA: Don't Let Snow Get the Best of Your Roof!

A part of a roof of an abandoned nuclear power plant in Chernobyl collapsed under a heavy snowfall. Though the said place is still radioactive after the meltdown of 1986, officials confirmed that the radiation level is at the minimum and poses no threat to the surrounding habitable part of the Ukraine. This incident, as reported by the Associated Press, brought forth the dangers of heavy snowfall on roofing. If the roof built is complying with local building codes and standards, they must be able to take different types of weather. And since it's difficult to tell the weight of snow that's currently on a roof during a snowstorm, it is important that the snow is evenly distributed across the roof. However, getting rid of the snow during the storm is futile. Thus, roofing contractors in Tacoma, WA advise homeowners to use the break in the weather to clear the snow off. This is to reduce the stress the roof carries and to prepare it for the next wave of snow to come.